product 10 head spring rose bunches high quality hugo diameter 9 cm home decorations graduation halloween new year low price-48


What is This >  produkte >  Bouquet

10-kop lenteros trosse Hoë kwaliteit Hugo Diameter 9 cm Huisversierings Gradeplegtigheid Halloween Nuwejaar Lae Prys

Queyiyi  Introducing our latest addition to the family – the 10-Head Spring Rose Bunches. These gorgeous home decorations are perfect for any occasion, whether it's for graduation, Halloween, or New Year celebrations. With a high...



Introducing our latest addition to the family – the 10-Head Spring Rose Bunches. These gorgeous home decorations are perfect for any occasion, whether it's for graduation, Halloween, or New Year celebrations. With a high-quality Hugo diameter of 9 cm, these roses are sure to add a touch of elegance and beauty to any room.


Each bundle consists of 10 stunning roses, each with a unique design and color. The vibrant and vivid colors of these roses are perfect to add life to any area of your home. These Queyiyi roses will stay fresh and beautiful for a long time due to their high-quality material, which will make them worth every penny.


These rose bunches are perfect for those who want a low-price decoration that will leave a lasting impression on guests. Not only are they affordable, but they also look and feel like luxury decor. As we know decorating your home can be quite expensive, but you don't have to worry about breaking the bank with these rose bunches from Queyiyi.


These roses are perfect for any room in the house, not just the living area, but they are also perfect for adding some color and style to your office, bedroom, and even bathroom. With their gorgeous design, they will give your space a touch of elegance and sophistication. 


product 10 head spring rose bunches high quality hugo diameter 9 cm home decorations graduation halloween new year low price-50

Product Details
product 10 head spring rose bunches high quality hugo diameter 9 cm home decorations graduation halloween new year low price-51
Algehele hoogte 47 cm, blomdeel 36 cm, 10 vurke en 7 blomme Blomkop deursnee 9 cm, hoogte 4.5 cm
10-kop Hugo Spring Rose
Plek van Oorsprong
China, Tianjin
Brand Naam
Kunsmatige Blomme Trou Dekoratiewe Blomme
Voorbeeld Tyd
3 tot 5 werksdae
Terugbetaalbaar nadat die grootmaatbestelling geplaas is
Delivery Tyd
7 tot 15 dae, hang af van die bestelhoeveelheid
Aflewering Items
EXW, FOB, C&F, CIF, Express Delivery kan aanvaar word
30% deposito, 70% balansbetaling voor versending deur T/T
PE-sak / skuimsak + binnedoos + buitekarton of klantpakketvoorwaardes

product 10 head spring rose bunches high quality hugo diameter 9 cm home decorations graduation halloween new year low price-52

Die blomblare is goed gedefinieerde Natuurlike blomme Lewensgetroue vorm Helder kleure
Blaartekstuur duidelik Die takke is gemaak van nuwe plastiek spuitgietwerk Bevat ysterdraad Kan na willekeur gebuig word

product 10 head spring rose bunches high quality hugo diameter 9 cm home decorations graduation halloween new year low price-53

product 10 head spring rose bunches high quality hugo diameter 9 cm home decorations graduation halloween new year low price-54
product 10 head spring rose bunches high quality hugo diameter 9 cm home decorations graduation halloween new year low price-55
product 10 head spring rose bunches high quality hugo diameter 9 cm home decorations graduation halloween new year low price-56
product 10 head spring rose bunches high quality hugo diameter 9 cm home decorations graduation halloween new year low price-57
product 10 head spring rose bunches high quality hugo diameter 9 cm home decorations graduation halloween new year low price-58
product 10 head spring rose bunches high quality hugo diameter 9 cm home decorations graduation halloween new year low price-59
product 10 head spring rose bunches high quality hugo diameter 9 cm home decorations graduation halloween new year low price-60
product 10 head spring rose bunches high quality hugo diameter 9 cm home decorations graduation halloween new year low price-61
Meer produk
product 10 head spring rose bunches high quality hugo diameter 9 cm home decorations graduation halloween new year low price-62
product 10 head spring rose bunches high quality hugo diameter 9 cm home decorations graduation halloween new year low price-63
product 10 head spring rose bunches high quality hugo diameter 9 cm home decorations graduation halloween new year low price-64
product 10 head spring rose bunches high quality hugo diameter 9 cm home decorations graduation halloween new year low price-65
product 10 head spring rose bunches high quality hugo diameter 9 cm home decorations graduation halloween new year low price-66
product 10 head spring rose bunches high quality hugo diameter 9 cm home decorations graduation halloween new year low price-67
product 10 head spring rose bunches high quality hugo diameter 9 cm home decorations graduation halloween new year low price-68
Verpakking & Shipping

product 10 head spring rose bunches high quality hugo diameter 9 cm home decorations graduation halloween new year low price-69

lf you haven't owned freight forwarder, pleasecontact salesman, we can help you check the ship-ping cost according to the Alibaba logistics service. You can choice transport by express by sea, by air. (Door to door or door to port) 
lf you have owned freight forwarder, please con-tact our salesman, and tell us the contact way? When the product fnished, we will contact them

product 10 head spring rose bunches high quality hugo diameter 9 cm home decorations graduation halloween new year low price-70

ons dienste

product 10 head spring rose bunches high quality hugo diameter 9 cm home decorations graduation halloween new year low price-71


product 10 head spring rose bunches high quality hugo diameter 9 cm home decorations graduation halloween new year low price-72

Ons stel ons pragtige versameling kunsmatige blomme bekend, perfek geskik vir beide troues en huisdekor. Of jy nou is
beplanning van 'n dromerige troue of op soek na die atmosfeer van jou leefruimte, ons blomme is die ideale keuse
Vir troues bied ons lewensgetroue blomme eindelose moontlikhede. Skep pragtige bruidsruikers, elegante middelpunte, en
asemrowende blommerangskikkings wat 'n blywende indruk op jou gaste sal laat. Met ons kunsblomme kan jy geniet
die skoonheid van vars blomme sonder om bekommerd te wees oor verwelking of beperkte beskikbaarheid. Hulle is ook 'n wonderlike aandenking om te koester
lank na die spesiale dag
Wat huisversiering betref, bring ons kunsblomme ewige skoonheid na enige vertrek. Voeg 'n tikkie elegansie by jou lewe
kamer, slaapkamer of eetarea met ons lewendige en realistiese blommerangskikkings. Hulle benodig minimale instandhouding en wil
helder jou spasie die hele jaar deur op. Ons wye verskeidenheid kleure, style en groottes verseker dat jy die perfekte pasmaat sal vind
jou interieurontwerp
By ons blommefabriek is ons trots op die uitsonderlike kwaliteit van ons produkte. Elke blom is noukeurig vervaardig om vas te vang
die ingewikkelde besonderhede en natuurlike skoonheid van regte bloeisels. Ons verbintenis tot die gebruik van premium materiale verseker dat ons blomme lyk
en voel ongelooflik realisties
Ervaar die gerief en skoonheid van kunsmatige blomme wat perfek is vir troues en huisdekor. Koop vandag by ons en
verander enige ruimte in 'n bloeiende paradys wat sal boei en inspireer
Waarom by ons
Tianjin Wuqing Meiyu Craft Flower Co., Ltd.

Gestig in 2000, Meiyu craft flower Co., Ltd. is 'n produksie fabriek wat produksie en verkope van simulasie handwerk blomme integreer. Die fabriek beslaan 'n oppervlakte van 8000 vierkante meter, en die blomme vertoonlokaal is 2 000 vierkante meter. Die maatskappy het 'n sterk tegniese krag en professionele ontwerpers om nuwe produkte te ontwerp en te ontwikkel. Na meer as 10 jaar van kreatiwiteit, word variëteite voortdurend opgedateer, wat 'n blomstyl vorm, wat 'n bekende reputasie by die huis en in die buiteland het.

Die kunsblomme, syblomme, kunsmatige houtblomme en bonsai-kunsmatige handgemaakte syblommereekse wat deur ons maatskappy vervaardig word, word deur kliënte tuis en in die buiteland bevoordeel vir hul variëteite, sterk simulasiegraad, goeie gehalte en hoë graad. Terwyl sy vorige prestasies behaal het, sal Mei Yu onophoudelike pogings aanwend om meer modieuse en persoonlike produkte te ontwerp wat geskik is vir die huidige mark. Terselfdertyd is kliënte welkom om monsters aan te pas, ons sal aan die vereistes van die kliënt voldoen.
product 10 head spring rose bunches high quality hugo diameter 9 cm home decorations graduation halloween new year low price-73

product 10 head spring rose bunches high quality hugo diameter 9 cm home decorations graduation halloween new year low price-74

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5. Hoe gaan dit met die pakkie?
Normaalweg is kartonne, maar ons kan dit ook volgens u vereistes verpak
6. Hoe is die afleweringstyd?
Dit hang af van die hoeveelheid wat u benodig, gewoonlik 1-25 dae

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