product artificial flowers home wedding decoration mei kai 7 head large horn rose-48


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Kunsmatige blomme huis trou versiering Mei Kai 7 kop groot horing roos

Queyiyi  Presenting the Artificial Flowers Home Wedding Decoration Mei Kai 7 mind Horn that is big Rose the addition that is ideal your premises decoration or occasion. These plants are manufactured with top-quality materials since th...



Presenting the Artificial Flowers Home Wedding Decoration Mei Kai 7 mind Horn that is big Rose the addition that is ideal your premises decoration or occasion. These plants are manufactured with top-quality materials since they are meant to look exactly like genuine flowers.


Each flower has 7 petals that are big type a horn form, providing the flower a unique and look that is eye-catching. The plants are grouped together to create a bouquet, with every bouquet containing 7 plants that are specific. The Queyiyi bouquets measure around 13 ins as a whole, making them the dimensions this is certainly ideal a centerpiece or accent design.


The plants can be purchased in a true number of colors to match any decoration or theme that is occasion. Pick from old-fashioned flower colors like red, and white, or opt for something more unique like azure, purple, or black colored. The colors are vibrant and bright, and also the plants on their own are incredibly practical that the particular visitors will find it difficult to tell them apart from genuine people.


One of the better grounds for having these plants which are synthetic how low-maintenance they've been. These flowers will last for many years with only a dusting that is straightforward in a while unlike genuine plants, which need regular watering and care. This will make them ideal for busy households and sometimes even for activities that need a whole wide range of planning.


The Queyiyi brand name established fact for the products which are top-notch and these plants that are synthetic no exclusion. The business utilizes just the most materials that are useful operations and that can be manufacturing make certain that their products or services or services are durable, practical and lasting. The plants are lightweight and simple to transport, so that you can utilize them for numerous occasions or go them around your property as required.


The Queyiyi Artificial Flowers Home Wedding Decoration Mei Kai 7 mind big Horn Rose is really an option this is certainly great whoever wish to put in a feeling of beauty and beauty along with their house or occasion. These plants are affordable, low-maintenance, as well as practical. Insurance firms a array of colors to pick from and a design this is certain top-notch may very well not together be disappointed together with your purchase. 


Artificial flowers home wedding decoration Mei Kai 7 head large horn rose supplier
Product Details
Artificial flowers home wedding decoration Mei Kai 7 head large horn rose factory
Artificial flowers home wedding decoration Mei Kai 7 head large horn rose supplier
kunsmatige blomme
Plek van Oorsprong
China, Tianjin
Brand Naam
Model nommer
Kunsmatige Blomme Trou Dekoratiewe Blomme
Voorbeeld Tyd
3 tot 5 werksdae
Terugbetaalbaar nadat die grootmaatbestelling geplaas is
Delivery Tyd
7 tot 15 dae, hang af van die bestelhoeveelheid
Aflewering Items
EXW, FOB, C&F, CIF, Express Delivery kan aanvaar word
30% deposito, 70% balansbetaling voor versending deur T/T
PE-sak / skuimsak + binnedoos + buitekarton of klantpakketvoorwaardes
Artificial flowers home wedding decoration Mei Kai 7 head large horn rose factory
Artificial flowers home wedding decoration Mei Kai 7 head large horn rose factory
Artificial flowers home wedding decoration Mei Kai 7 head large horn rose factory
Artificial flowers home wedding decoration Mei Kai 7 head large horn rose details
Artificial flowers home wedding decoration Mei Kai 7 head large horn rose details
Artificial flowers home wedding decoration Mei Kai 7 head large horn rose factory
Artificial flowers home wedding decoration Mei Kai 7 head large horn rose supplier
Artificial flowers home wedding decoration Mei Kai 7 head large horn rose supplier
Artificial flowers home wedding decoration Mei Kai 7 head large horn rose details
Artificial flowers home wedding decoration Mei Kai 7 head large horn rose supplier
Artificial flowers home wedding decoration Mei Kai 7 head large horn rose manufacture
Artificial flowers home wedding decoration Mei Kai 7 head large horn rose supplier
Meer produk
Artificial flowers home wedding decoration Mei Kai 7 head large horn rose factory
Artificial flowers home wedding decoration Mei Kai 7 head large horn rose factory
Artificial flowers home wedding decoration Mei Kai 7 head large horn rose factory
Artificial flowers home wedding decoration Mei Kai 7 head large horn rose supplier
Artificial flowers home wedding decoration Mei Kai 7 head large horn rose supplier
Artificial flowers home wedding decoration Mei Kai 7 head large horn rose manufacture
Artificial flowers home wedding decoration Mei Kai 7 head large horn rose supplier
Verpakking & Shipping
Artificial flowers home wedding decoration Mei Kai 7 head large horn rose details

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Artificial flowers home wedding decoration Mei Kai 7 head large horn rose details
ons dienste
Artificial flowers home wedding decoration Mei Kai 7 head large horn rose factory
Artificial flowers home wedding decoration Mei Kai 7 head large horn rose supplier
Ons stel ons pragtige versameling kunsmatige blomme bekend, perfek geskik vir beide troues en huisdekor. Of jy nou is
beplanning van 'n dromerige troue of op soek na die atmosfeer van jou leefruimte, ons blomme is die ideale keuse
Vir troues bied ons lewensgetroue blomme eindelose moontlikhede. Skep pragtige bruidsruikers, elegante middelpunte, en
asemrowende blommerangskikkings wat 'n blywende indruk op jou gaste sal laat. Met ons kunsblomme kan jy geniet
die skoonheid van vars blomme sonder om bekommerd te wees oor verwelking of beperkte beskikbaarheid. Hulle is ook 'n wonderlike aandenking om te koester
lank na die spesiale dag
Wat huisversiering betref, bring ons kunsblomme ewige skoonheid na enige vertrek. Voeg 'n tikkie elegansie by jou lewe
kamer, slaapkamer of eetarea met ons lewendige en realistiese blommerangskikkings. Hulle benodig minimale instandhouding en wil
helder jou spasie die hele jaar deur op. Ons wye verskeidenheid kleure, style en groottes verseker dat jy die perfekte pasmaat sal vind
jou interieurontwerp
By ons blommefabriek is ons trots op die uitsonderlike kwaliteit van ons produkte. Elke blom is noukeurig vervaardig om vas te vang
die ingewikkelde besonderhede en natuurlike skoonheid van regte bloeisels. Ons verbintenis tot die gebruik van premium materiale verseker dat ons blomme lyk
en voel ongelooflik realisties
Ervaar die gerief en skoonheid van kunsmatige blomme wat perfek is vir troues en huisdekor. Koop vandag by ons en
verander enige ruimte in 'n bloeiende paradys wat sal boei en inspireer
Waarom by ons
Tianjin Wuqing Meiyu Craft Flower Co., Ltd.

Gestig in 2000, Meiyu craft flower Co., Ltd. is 'n produksie fabriek wat produksie en verkope van simulasie handwerk blomme integreer. Die fabriek beslaan 'n oppervlakte van 8000 vierkante meter, en die blomme vertoonlokaal is 2 000 vierkante meter. Die maatskappy het 'n sterk tegniese krag en professionele ontwerpers om nuwe produkte te ontwerp en te ontwikkel. Na meer as 10 jaar van kreatiwiteit, word variëteite voortdurend opgedateer, wat 'n blomstyl vorm, wat 'n bekende reputasie by die huis en in die buiteland het.

Die kunsblomme, syblomme, kunsmatige houtblomme en bonsai-kunsmatige handgemaakte syblommereekse wat deur ons maatskappy vervaardig word, word deur kliënte tuis en in die buiteland bevoordeel vir hul variëteite, sterk simulasiegraad, goeie gehalte en hoë graad. Terwyl sy vorige prestasies behaal het, sal Mei Yu onophoudelike pogings aanwend om meer modieuse en persoonlike produkte te ontwerp wat geskik is vir die huidige mark. Terselfdertyd is kliënte welkom om monsters aan te pas, ons sal aan die vereistes van die kliënt voldoen.
Artificial flowers home wedding decoration Mei Kai 7 head large horn rose factory
Artificial flowers home wedding decoration Mei Kai 7 head large horn rose factory
1. Is u 'n handelsonderneming of vervaardiger?
Ons is vervaardiger.
2. Verskaf u gratis monsters?
Nee, ons verskaf nie monsters nie.
3. Hoe gaan dit met die kwaliteit?
Ons het die beste professionele ingenieur en streng QA- en QC-stelsel.
4. Kan ons jou verspreider wees?
Ons is op soek na verspreider en agent oor die hele wêreld.
5. Hoe gaan dit met die pakkie?
Normaalweg is kartonne, maar ons kan dit ook volgens u vereistes verpak
6. Hoe is die afleweringstyd?
Dit hang af van die hoeveelheid wat u benodig, gewoonlik 1-25 dae

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