qyy 11 oil painting small lily-48

بوكيه ميني

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QYY-11-لوحة زيتية زنبق صغير

The overall height of the oil painting lily is 30 cm. Each plant has 6 branches and 18 flowers. The flower is 6 cm long. The material is silk cloth. Each piece has 1200 pieces. The carton is 130*50*80 cm. The weight of each piece is 0.04 kg. The sale...

The overall height of the oil painting lily is 30 cm. Each plant has 6 branches and 18 flowers. The flower is 6 cm long. The material is silk cloth. Each piece has 1200 pieces. The carton is 130*50*80 cm. The weight of each piece is 0.04 kg. The sales price is 3.1 yuan for 2 pieces, 2.85 yuan for 200 pieces, and 2.7 yuan for 1000 pieces.

الاسم: Oil painting small lily
المادة: قماش حرير

الارتفاع الكلي 30 سم

كل نبات له 6 فروع و 18 زهور

قطر الزهرة 6 سم

الوزن: 0.04Kg
كمية التعبئة: 1200 قطع
حجم المربع: * 130 50 * 80cm

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