product 10 head spring rose bunches high quality hugo diameter 9 cm home decorations graduation halloween new year low price-48


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10-head Spring Rose Bunches High Quality Hugo Diameter 9 cm Home Decorations Graduation Halloween New Year Low-Price

Queyiyi  Introducing our latest addition to the family – the 10-Head Spring Rose Bunches. These gorgeous home decorations are perfect for any occasion, whether it's for graduation, Halloween, or New Year celebrations. With a high...



Introducing our latest addition to the family – the 10-Head Spring Rose Bunches. These gorgeous home decorations are perfect for any occasion, whether it's for graduation, Halloween, or New Year celebrations. With a high-quality Hugo diameter of 9 cm, these roses are sure to add a touch of elegance and beauty to any room.


Each bundle consists of 10 stunning roses, each with a unique design and color. The vibrant and vivid colors of these roses are perfect to add life to any area of your home. These Queyiyi roses will stay fresh and beautiful for a long time due to their high-quality material, which will make them worth every penny.


These rose bunches are perfect for those who want a low-price decoration that will leave a lasting impression on guests. Not only are they affordable, but they also look and feel like luxury decor. As we know decorating your home can be quite expensive, but you don't have to worry about breaking the bank with these rose bunches from Queyiyi.


These roses are perfect for any room in the house, not just the living area, but they are also perfect for adding some color and style to your office, bedroom, and even bathroom. With their gorgeous design, they will give your space a touch of elegance and sophistication. 


product 10 head spring rose bunches high quality hugo diameter 9 cm home decorations graduation halloween new year low price-50

Product Details
product 10 head spring rose bunches high quality hugo diameter 9 cm home decorations graduation halloween new year low price-51
Altitudo altiore 47cm, pars bracteis 36cm, 10 uncinorum et 7 florum .
10-Head Hugo Spring Rose
Locus originis
China, Tianjin
Notam nomen
Tenaces tape
Flores artificiales Nuptialis Decorative Flores
Flores Serici
Altera / ODM
Sample Tempus
3 operantes dies, ut 5
Sample Fee
Refundable cum ponere mole ordinis
Tempus adferendi
7 ad 15 dies, attenditur secundum ordinem quantitatis
Delivery Items
EXW, FOB, C&F, CIF, Express Delivery accipi potest
Payment Terms
XXX% depositum, LXX% statera solucionis ante sit amet a T / T *
PE Pera /Foam Pera + Interior Box+Exteriore lobortis vel elit involucrum termini

product 10 head spring rose bunches high quality hugo diameter 9 cm home decorations graduation halloween new year low price-52

Flos capitis.
Petala sunt bene definita flores naturales, figura viviformes colores lucidi
Folium textura clarum Rami fiunt ex injectione nova corona plastica Continet filum ferreum ad voluntatem flecti possunt

product 10 head spring rose bunches high quality hugo diameter 9 cm home decorations graduation halloween new year low price-53

product 10 head spring rose bunches high quality hugo diameter 9 cm home decorations graduation halloween new year low price-54
product 10 head spring rose bunches high quality hugo diameter 9 cm home decorations graduation halloween new year low price-55
product 10 head spring rose bunches high quality hugo diameter 9 cm home decorations graduation halloween new year low price-56
product 10 head spring rose bunches high quality hugo diameter 9 cm home decorations graduation halloween new year low price-57
product 10 head spring rose bunches high quality hugo diameter 9 cm home decorations graduation halloween new year low price-58
product 10 head spring rose bunches high quality hugo diameter 9 cm home decorations graduation halloween new year low price-59
product 10 head spring rose bunches high quality hugo diameter 9 cm home decorations graduation halloween new year low price-60
product 10 head spring rose bunches high quality hugo diameter 9 cm home decorations graduation halloween new year low price-61
Plus productum
product 10 head spring rose bunches high quality hugo diameter 9 cm home decorations graduation halloween new year low price-62
product 10 head spring rose bunches high quality hugo diameter 9 cm home decorations graduation halloween new year low price-63
product 10 head spring rose bunches high quality hugo diameter 9 cm home decorations graduation halloween new year low price-64
product 10 head spring rose bunches high quality hugo diameter 9 cm home decorations graduation halloween new year low price-65
product 10 head spring rose bunches high quality hugo diameter 9 cm home decorations graduation halloween new year low price-66
product 10 head spring rose bunches high quality hugo diameter 9 cm home decorations graduation halloween new year low price-67
product 10 head spring rose bunches high quality hugo diameter 9 cm home decorations graduation halloween new year low price-68
Shipping & Packaging

product 10 head spring rose bunches high quality hugo diameter 9 cm home decorations graduation halloween new year low price-69

lf you haven't owned freight forwarder, pleasecontact salesman, we can help you check the ship-ping cost according to the Alibaba logistics service. You can choice transport by express by sea, by air. (Door to door or door to port) 
lf you have owned freight forwarder, please con-tact our salesman, and tell us the contact way? When the product fnished, we will contact them

product 10 head spring rose bunches high quality hugo diameter 9 cm home decorations graduation halloween new year low price-70

nostrum officia

product 10 head spring rose bunches high quality hugo diameter 9 cm home decorations graduation halloween new year low price-71

Customer imaginibus

product 10 head spring rose bunches high quality hugo diameter 9 cm home decorations graduation halloween new year low price-72

Introducendo nostram collectionem exquisitam florum artificialium, tam nuptiarum quam domus decori perfecte accommodatam. Si tu es
parare nuptias somniculosas vel augere ambientia vitae tuae spatium spectans, nostri flores sunt optimae electionis
Pro nuptiis, vitales nostrae floret facultates infinitas offerunt. Create attonitus bouquetis genialibus, elegantibus centerpieces, et
exanimandas dispositiones florales, quae perennem impressionem in convivis tuis relinquent. Floribus nostris artificialibus frui potes
pulchritudo floret recentis sine cura deficiens vel limitata disponibilitate. Mira custodia sunt etiam ad fovendum
longum post diem specialem
Cum decor in domum venit, nostri flores artificiales adducunt eternum pulchritudinis locum. Addere tactum elegantiae ad vivendum
cubiculum, cubiculum, vel triclinium, cum dispositionibus floralibus nostris venusta et realistica dispositiones. Minimam sustentationem et voluntatem requirunt
splendorem tuum spatium per totum annum. Nostra amplitudine colorum, generum, magnitudinum efficit ut perfectam parem invenias
intus consilium tuum
In officina floris nostri, in eximia qualitate fructus nostri gloriamur. Quilibet flos adamussim conficitur ad capiendum
perplexitas singularia et nativis verae flores. Nostrum officium utendi materiae premium efficit ut nostri flores vultus
ac sentiunt incredibiliter realistica
Experientia commodum et pulchritudinem florum artificialium perfectorum nuptiarum et domus decoris. Shop nobiscum hodie et
spatium aliquod transformare in paradisum vernantem capiet et inspirabit
Why Choose Us
Tianjin Wuqing Meiyu Craft Flos Co, Ltd.

Fundata in 2000, Meiyu artis flos Co, Ltd est productio officinas integrans productionem et venditio simulationis artis flores. Officina area 8000 metrorum quadratorum tegit, et spectaculum florum 2 000 quadratum metrorum est. Societas validam vim technicam et excogitatores professionales ad novas res excogitandas et explicandas habet. Post plus quam X annos creativity, varietates constanter renovantur, stilum floralem efformant, quae domi militiaeque fama notissima est.

Flos artificialis, flos serici, flos lignorum artificialis et bonsai manus artificialis, series floris serici factae a nostro comitatu, a clientibus domi forisque favent propter varietates suas, gradus simulationis fortis, qualitas boni et gradus altus. Dum res gestas obtineat, Mei Yu assiduis conatibus innovare et innovare et excogitare faciet productos magis accommodatos et personales aptas ad mercatum currentem. Eodem tempore, elit sunt, adipiscing exemplaria grata sunt, occurremus Lorem requisita.
product 10 head spring rose bunches high quality hugo diameter 9 cm home decorations graduation halloween new year low price-73

product 10 head spring rose bunches high quality hugo diameter 9 cm home decorations graduation halloween new year low price-74

1. Tu es mercatura comitatu vel fabrica?
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2. Tu gratuita exempla praebes?
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3. Quomodo de qualitate?
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4. Num distributor tuus esse possumus?
Quaerimus distributorem et agentem in toto orbe terrarum.
5. Quomodo est sarcina?
Communiter sunt cartons, sed etiam nos stipant secundum requisita tua
6. Quid est partus tempus?
Pendet quantitatem quam debes, 1-25 dies plerumque

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